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Malaria is a disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes and passed onto humans and other animals. Over 500 million people have been victims of malaria cases, some mild, some life-threatening.


It starts when a anopheles species of moquito bites an infected person and then bites an uninfected person therefore infecting them with the malaria parasite aswell, the parasite then invades red blood cells in the Circulatory system and starts to destroy and kill the red blood cells.


Only female Anopheles moquitoes can transmit malaria, this is because the female mosquito needs to get blood to nurture her eggs, so she bites a human that is infected with the malaria parasite already and infects herself with malaria, and the next time she bites another person to obtain blood, the parasites are mixed with her saliva and get passed onto the victim.


Malaria happens in countries with climates of 20-40 degrees, such as most of Africa, South or South East Asia, and some parts of South America too. Some people that live in places where malaria is very common have developed immunities towards the disease, however, visitors or new comers to the area are not immune and have to take preventative medicines against malaria.



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