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The Chinese Canon of Medicine

The Chinese Canon of Medicine

Also known as the Nei Ching, it was written by The Yellow Emperor, and describes the symptoms of malaria.

Ronald Ross

Ronald Ross

Ronald Ross was the first person to discover about how malaria was transmitted by mosquitos.

Quinine Sulphate Tablets

Quinine Sulphate Tablets

Quinine tablets reduce fever and has a bitter taster when taken. Quinine is found naturally in Cinchona tree, which is why Indian tribes used Cinchona bark (Peruvian bark) for Malaria remedies. However Quinine Sulphate tablets are specially made in laboratories.

Plasmodium Parasite

Plasmodium Parasite

Plasmodium is a parasite that causes malaria in humans.

The Papyrus Ebers

The Papyrus Ebers

Talks about symptoms and treatments for malaria. Written by Egyptians.

Mosquito Nets

Mosquito Nets

People in Africa sleep in beds surrounded by mosquito nets to decrease the chances of getting Malaria whilst sleeping.

Peruvian Tree Bark

Peruvian Tree Bark

This was the first known antidote for curing Malaria, traditional Indian tribes used the bark to prevent mosquito bites. Peruvian tree bark is also known as bark from a Cinchonca tree.



People that are going into an area that has a high risk of malaria have to get preventative medicines to boost their immunities.

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