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Treatments for Malaria


Quinin: The most popular malaria treament medicine. It has a bitter taste to it, the properties in Quinine are naturally found in Cinchona trees.

Artesunate: one of the best medicines (next to Quinine) that help treat severe malaria, it is partially man-made and is water soluble so it can be given to the patient through injection.

Artemether lumefantrine: made of Artemether, a malaria treatment medicine, and Lumefantrine (also known as Benflumetol) which can only be used in combination with Artemether to become affective for preventing malaria.

Chloroquine: a lab-made drug that is very similar to Quinine. It was the most common treatment for malaria until the Plasmodium Falciparum started to resist the treatment of chloroquine. So quinine is more frequently used now.

Clindamycin: an antibiotic that fights off bacteria, so when combined with Quinine, fights off malaria parasites very effectively.

Mefloquine: an antimalarial medicine made of flourine mixed into a compound with Quinoline, an oily substance found in coal tar.

Atovaquone proguanil: a combination of Atovaquone (a medicine used to stop reproduction in harmful protozoas), and proguanil, a antimalarial treatment drug.

  (Only doctors or medically licensed and knowledged people should administor these treatments.  

  The treatments also vary depending on the condition of the recipient when the medication is given!)   

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